Tungsten Fishing Beads

Tungsten fishing beads are standard in the industry and have been worked into almost every famous bead pattern available on the market.
Tungsten fishing beads are made of tungsten, which is considerably heavier than lead, are used not only to provoke the fish to bite, but also to force the fly to sink the bottom. On standard bead heads there is one small and one large bored-out hole to help to slide it easily around the hook bend and fit snuggly behind the hook eye.
Tungsten fishing beads are made exclusively for fly tiers using a "duel-diameter" hole. One small and one large bored-out hole to help slide easily around the hook bend and fit snuggly behind the hook eye. These beads are plated to resist tarnishing and provide flash even in the most stained of waters.
All serious fly fishermen know that having tungsten fishing beads, flies works wonders for catch rates when fishing fast, clear streams. They also work wonders in any other deep water situation! Get the flies to the bottom where the fish are and you just HAVE to catch more fish!
Reasons to choose tungsten as material of fishing beads
Tungsten is one of the heaviest metals available. It is so heavy that can be used in making in tungsten fishing beads. Tungsten has a density of rages from 16.5 grams/cm3 to 18.5 grams/cm3 near room temperature, in comparison, lead only has a density of 11.34 grams cm-3.As a result, tungsten fishing beads are almost twice as heavy as lead in the same volume.